More than 12 years ago her son Nathan was diagnosed with autism. Since then, her life and her family changed in the face of that challenge.
Sagrario Cadena opened her heart during an interview and talked about the hard process from diagnosis, acceptance, seeking resources in schools, support groups, and with the Clark County.
She confessed it took her several years to be able to talk about it because she didn't know how to handle it in front of others, even with her family.
She has Christian values deeply rooted in her heart. She recognizes it has been her faith in God that has helped her withstand this long journey. She decrees in faith, she will see her son Nathan graduate from college.
Today she recognizes that this hard journey has served her in many areas of her life, and understands the personal and family process. Above all, she understands mothers.
“You have to be well in all aspects to be able to help your son, points out the charismatic Mexican-American.
Today, Cadena is focused on Autism Warrior, a community of help and support for mothers of children with autism, since she recognizes that many women abandon themselves and completely forget about them.