✓ Showcases YOU & YOUR brand, message and solutions
Your paper business card may have some use, but it's not enough anymore! So make it easier to stand out to people in the digital world by taking advantage of massive upfront savings!
Profile attributes:
- Display contact info, state licenses & credentials, social media profiles, value propositions/offers, booking calendars, linked buttons, location, and images.
- Use in person, virtually, via QR code, or link sharing.
- Optimized for phones, tablets & computers
- 178 pre-made profiles to choose from, or completely customize your profile
- Designs are clean, intuitive, and consistent.
- Can track engagement & lead analytics
- We'll host with a custom domain. Example: www.Hilyte.club/yourname
- Email follow-up sequences - $ Extra
- Integrate with CRM - $ Extra
- Get login + dashboard access for edits & updates - monthly & yearly plans available
- Compliance is not an issue
** As a bonus - once all orders are fulfilled I'm going to do a group coaching on how to start using them immediately to get FAST and consistent results!
Increase engagement by giving your brand & presence a digital makeover before 2023!